Kieran Flanagan’s Post

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Kieran Flanagan Kieran Flanagan is an Influencer

CMO at Zapier | ex SVP Marketing at HubSpot | Sequoia Scout | Advisor

2023 is the year of "Do Sweat the Small Things" for marketers Let me explain with an offer that will help solve your biggest marketing challenge for 2023 Part of a marketing leader's job is to manage a portfolio of bets.  You break out those bets by 1. Time Horizon How quickly do you realise the gains from those bets?  For a late-stage company, it might look like 70% on bets that will drive this year's growth, 20% on bets that will drive growth over the next 2 to 3 years, and 10% for moonshots. At an earlier stage company, it will be heavily skewed towards this year's growth, likely > 90% 2. Measurable How measurable are the bets? Can you directly correlate to revenue (demand gen), or do they indirectly influence revenue (brand)? Portfolio mismanagement can happen in two places - You iterate towards zero. You heavily focus on iteration and eeking out gains for the coming year until things start to plateau, and you haven't placed any longer-term bets to help you start growing again - You only focus on the things you can measure and don't invest in building a strong narrative around your brand/product 2023 is shaping up to be a tough year in tech. It's a year where eeking out every single gain on iteration is meaningful. It's a year where it's worth asking, in all the things we do that drive measurable revenue for our company, are we excellent? Are we doing everything we can to generate additional gains? It's a year where you'll likely lean into things that drive the coming year's growth. On Marketing Against the Grain podcast, we do a popular segment called - 'Half Baked Marketing Ideas'. We focus on the moonshot ideas or the ideas that will drive the next 2 to 3 years of growth. But, in the spirit of 2023, we want to hear about your biggest marketing challenges, and opportunities for this year and provide you with some recommendations for it on the show.  Just leave your company and what you'd like us to cover in the comments below 

Bolaji Oyejide 🔥🎙

Head of Content at Hello, Audience.


Love this topic - here's my question, Kieran. B2B marketers are trapped in a cycle of demand desperation. They know they should be playing the long game - creating demand by: - earning attention, - showing up repeatedly with value and entertainment, - which builds affinity, - earns subscription to their content series, - and - when people enter a buying cycle... - allows that B2B brand to be top of mind, in a category of one. ** Most B2B marketers would LOVE to go to market this way. ** Instead, they have to settle for: - daily and weekly MQL fire drills, - chasing unrealistic forecasts created from spreadsheets - by eager investors and aggressive execs... - who want insta-pipeline, and they want it N-O-W. (Add ad dollars, and stir. VOILA.) --- The question: How can B2B marketers find ways to play the short Demand Capture game, ....while also laying the foundation with longer-term Demand Creation programs, that 6 months from now they're not still on the MQL hamster wheel, still mired in a morass of demand desperation? --- Thanks Kieran! (Love the show.)

Marisa Harary

Head of Sales, Americas


Curious to hear how social impact marketing fits into this narrative. If done effectively and authentically big csr bets can be powerful enough to generate short term growth yet we all know they are crucial for driving future value and mitigating risk. How are marketing leaders making big bets on leveraging their brands for the greater good?

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